Nature Offers the Benefits - We Follow the Intelligence 

At The Rhythmic Series we focus on truth in product development, product results, and all things natural. By combining cutting-edge technologies and processes with nature’s laws, principles and protocols, our mission is to assist professionals in delivering products that support the customer to experience a better moment; a better day.

Three Proprietary Technologies

First: The BioTransfer Aqueous Solution™
Harnessing the living support power of plants stabilized in water

Second: BioTransfer Transmission Nutrition™
Delivering the living support energy of oils

Third: The BioTransfer Natural Nutrient Delivery System™
Delivering the living support energy of plant matter

  • The BioTransfer Aqueous Solution™

    Harnessing the living power of plants stabilized in water

  • 24 Hour Face Care Management

    Our all-natural face collection is accurately created to follow nature's blueprint for cleansing, energizing, protecting, and nourishing your skin. Our carefully selected plant-based ingredients provide 24-hour holistic face care management, delivering only nature's best to unlock your skin's true potential. You’ll experience the transformative functional energies from the Vitalizer spray and 37 different oils including the oil based nutrient C-60 timed throughout the 24-hour cycle. C-60’s antioxidant value has shown to be hundred-fold higher than conventional antioxidants. Embrace nature’s wisdom and nature will embrace your wisdom.

    BioTransfer Transmission Nutrition™

    Delivering the living support energy of oils

  • The BioTransfer Natural Nutrient Delivery System™

    Delivering the living support energy of plant matter

All Life Requires Energy

The flow of life energy starts with the sun,
is absorbed by the plants, and transferred to humans.
This foundational understanding of sunlight-plants-humans has been known
and appreciated by hundreds of cultures, throughout thousands of years,
and used by billions of people safely and effectively.

We have harnessed the foundational understanding of energy transfer
in creating our products that animate matter, create function,
and support structure for improved quality of life.

Understanding the basic truths of natural science with the needs of modern life, we can apply these principles to improve the quality of life by matching these functional frequencies of life to desired outcomes.

These life-sustaining technologies and processes
are the combination of a multitude of natural processes and
their timings and rhythms resulting in beneficial energetic partnerships.

These pioneering delivery methods are a progression of
how to work with nature and how nature works with us.

These products are revolutionary new categories of
product delivery. These products are produced with
Advanced Proprietary Energetic Technologies.

Products that are uniquely processed and formulated
to advance faster-uptake and enhanced bioavailability
for the modern era

Products that are NATURAL, SAFE, and CLEAN – NO SYNTHETICS.